Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Have new laptop.  Well new to me.  It's a IBM/Lenovo (not sure actually who made it) T42 I picked up on eBay.  Considering the sad and sorry state my current T22 has descended to I'm very happy so far.  Not that I blame the old comp., it is almost 7 years old, the fact that it's still running at all is a tribute to IBM's build quality.

But my new computer has about a 85% faster processor, 4X the RAM (256mb to 1gb), and a modern OS (XP sp3).  Plus, the battery isn't completely shot, so I can actually move around again.

Very very happy so far, now I just have to get all the software I want installed.  First thing is already done.  I'm posting this via Chrome.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank you GM, I was short 80,000 shares at $5. The drop to $3.25 has been very very profitable. In fact, if I sell out now, I'm only down 30% for the year. Emily, down 3% or so.

After Lehman Brothers and AIG I shouldn't be complaining.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Politics are a lot more fun when you have a side you want to win.


I wonder, if the statue starts to malfunction at some point in the future, does that have to be repaired? Or has the statue simply changed?

I don't have any audio here, but I assume it's being controlled by some program. But what about some other data source? Not something hokie like music, that's an equalizer, after all. But what if each ball represented trades within an index, as the market ticks up and down, each string gets longer or shorter. Or the clumps of balls (based on the amount volume of traffic on average) representing internet traffic?

Monday, November 3, 2008

I know whose job I want

This morning I watched the "coming up for this season" of Top Gear Season 12.

The following video is the best I can find at the moment. The teaser clip they showed at the beginning of the first episode was even more awesome.