Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yeah, I was right, the half pint bottle of Jack was enough

Emily: "that looks vaguely phallic"
Nicholas: "it's a carrot emily"
Emily: "it looks like those beer bottles, the................"
Nicholas: "bowling pins"
Emily: "yeah, like it's been circumcised."

Yeah, and that came after,

Emily: "Natalie was totally wrong about this movie [Bridget Jones II] she wasn't drunk, or dating a law student"


Natalie Greene said...

Ha! That's awesome. So I guess I shouldn't offer to pick up cheap booze next time I'm in duty-free? :) That convo sounds remarkably like those that take place every time AU freshman make their first drunk monument trip. The Washington Mon. is dirty sober.

Nicholas said...

What, exactly, does the term "dirty sober" mean?

Is it like a hobo who's gotten sober, but not taken a shower?