Thursday, October 2, 2008

It just keeps getting better

I very much enjoy Bond films. Since the latest film, Casino Royale was released the whole series has been reinvigorated from the bloated malaise that was the tail end of the Brosnan era.

So I'm extremely excited about the next film, Quantum of Solace, to be released this November. Yeah, it's got a somewhat silly name, but they've lost how many Astons making it? (Lake, Truck, quarry, although that last was on purpose. Here's a trailer so you can see why I'm so excited;

Which, here's a bit of free advice, don't read jalopnik in a seminar class. You're too close to the professor, they can see you trying hard to stifle laughter. Which doesn't make much sense when he's lecturing on segregation. But I digress. I'm about to digress a bit more, but it will all come together in the end.

I've been thinking I want a watch. I used to wear one all the time, never left home without it. Then my battery in a knockoff Fossil died, I never could figure out how to change it, and there you go, I've been cellphone dependent ever sense. I do have a sports watch, thanks to Emily, which I love. Unfortunately, I've poured so much sweat into it that it reeks in a truly biblical way. But when I have it on, it reminds me why I used to like having a watch on.

So I've been thinking about buying/asking for (birthday coming, 10/24) a new watch. Today, while not paying much attention to a long discussion of now bad constitutional law, I read this blog post. It seems Swatch is offering a collection of "Bond" watches, with a watch based on a villain from each film.

Clicking, I found this particular one. It's a handsome sporty looking watch, reasonably priced ($115, and NO Emily, I don't want you to go out and buy this tomorrow) and based on a villain from the upcoming film, which as I've mentioned, I'm really pumped about. The villain's name? Dominic Greene, I seriously hope he kicks ass, and am even more excited.

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