Friday, December 12, 2008

Amazingly modern.  I love this image.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Still no picture of me in someone what funny hat from cameraphone.  Stay tuned.  

But try this on for size.  I just remembered this morning that Tata and Fiat have a strategic alliance.  Fiat is also rumored to be a suitor for Volvo, and wants to come back to the US market.  Anyone else see where I'm going with this?  They cozy up a bit more w/ the Indians, and the PAG's back.  Not that it made a tremendous amount of sense before, but surely Fiat won't be launching into the mainstream of cars from day 1.  A slow role, 2-4 years, using existing Jag/Landie/Volvo dealers to introduce cars like the 500 (and maybe start production at a bargain priced US or Mexican rates are down, but hencho in Mexico always helps).

It could make sense.  Sorry Zack, I still have no idea for Saab.  Unholy alliance between private equity, the gov't of Sweden, and SAIC?

Studying, kind of

Very very ready to be done with this semester.  Looking at Law and Econ at the moment, not much here, feel like I know this stuff.  Test on Monday, then Ethics on Wednesday.  Already had the MPRE, feel like that should exempt me from the damn exam.

Banged my knee on the washer trying to leave the house this morning.  Wish I had my heating pad.  Have a scarf wrapped around it at the moment.  Maybe no run this afternoon after all.  Have a very healthy lunch; rice, carrots, apple, apple sauce, and yogurt.  Better go eat a cookie or two, wait, knee hurts, and supposed to be studying.

Wearing a funnyish hat today.  Think I like it, but ears cold.  Have emailed a picture of said hat on my head, hope it shows up soon, will post.  Wish my phone would sync with my computers.  Damn you Microsoft.

Going to a talk by an author who just wrote a book about Andrew Jackson this afternoon.  Hope he mentions the big block of cheese.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Have new laptop.  Well new to me.  It's a IBM/Lenovo (not sure actually who made it) T42 I picked up on eBay.  Considering the sad and sorry state my current T22 has descended to I'm very happy so far.  Not that I blame the old comp., it is almost 7 years old, the fact that it's still running at all is a tribute to IBM's build quality.

But my new computer has about a 85% faster processor, 4X the RAM (256mb to 1gb), and a modern OS (XP sp3).  Plus, the battery isn't completely shot, so I can actually move around again.

Very very happy so far, now I just have to get all the software I want installed.  First thing is already done.  I'm posting this via Chrome.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank you GM, I was short 80,000 shares at $5. The drop to $3.25 has been very very profitable. In fact, if I sell out now, I'm only down 30% for the year. Emily, down 3% or so.

After Lehman Brothers and AIG I shouldn't be complaining.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Politics are a lot more fun when you have a side you want to win.


I wonder, if the statue starts to malfunction at some point in the future, does that have to be repaired? Or has the statue simply changed?

I don't have any audio here, but I assume it's being controlled by some program. But what about some other data source? Not something hokie like music, that's an equalizer, after all. But what if each ball represented trades within an index, as the market ticks up and down, each string gets longer or shorter. Or the clumps of balls (based on the amount volume of traffic on average) representing internet traffic?

Monday, November 3, 2008

I know whose job I want

This morning I watched the "coming up for this season" of Top Gear Season 12.

The following video is the best I can find at the moment. The teaser clip they showed at the beginning of the first episode was even more awesome.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Breeders Cup Saturday

This is coming from my cell, we cashed a few tickets today, but the @$%& fake dirt destroyed our hero. Oh well, E the horseplayer managed to cash a big enough ticket on Henrythenavigator to make up for blown trifecta. The dog track was...interesting. I doubt I will head back there, but i have to say it may have been better than Laurel. Not having to pay to get in helps with that.

Rendevous was awesome, as anticipated. If I'd been on the ball I'd have put a picture of my meaty crusty deliciousness. On the way home, and, for moment at least Ole Miss is in the lead 13-7.

Friday, October 24, 2008

This is Awesome

Hat Tip: Emily Greene

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Seen in New Albany MS

horse show

Currently in New Albany at a local horse show. There are things on the program I would like to see. They aren't coming for quite a while. At the moment this has consisted entirely of horses (mostly ill-bred and under fed, unlike their owners in only one respect) standing around.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What's next?

Lets Learn Judo with Vladimir Putin; an instructional video.

Next for Vlad the Producer, a video on subverting emerging democracies (Vol. I Home, Vol. II Abroad).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Or, "All Your Banks Be Belonging to Hank." I mean, running Goldman Sachs must have been fun, now he gets to run the entire financial sector.
When George Cochran begins a sentence, "I once taught a highway patrol class..." you know the story is going to end well. In this

Further, there is apparently something going on West Palm Beach that makes people misbehave. Mark Foley's successor is apparently paying over 100K to his mistress.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Big Brown was "injured" at Aqueduct this morning. He's out of the Breeder's Cup. Sounds like a ruse to avoid (several) clearly superior horses to me.


He's not just missing a race, he's gone. What would possess anyone to breed those feet I can't imagine. Better find hearty genes on the mare's side if they're going to. Also, Zarkava is retiring to breed. At least she's sound.

FURTHER UNRELATED EDIT: Casino Drive had a good (allowance) race, anyone remember him from the Derby trail? He's the horse that hype can't forget. Could he be a dark horse (figuratively, of course) for the Classic? That race he won, it was only his 3rd CAREER race. I just don't see it but he has great siblings, his dame has threw the 2006 and '07 Belmont winners. He also seems to like the never sufficiently cursed polytrack.

Friday, October 10, 2008


So beginning Sunday Emily and I will be house/dog sitting for Brian Bell. He's a hydrologist at the Sedimentation lab. The dog in question, Boxie is a (yes you guessed it) a Boxer. She's 2.5 year old, and seems to be a sweetheart. Plus, if Chorni gets out of line, I have no doubt she can discipline him, being 30 lbs heavier and stronger.

I'll probably feel differently about this after a week away from home, but I like living in other people's houses. Mainly, I think that comes from the fact that almost everyone else has either better stuff or a better house, or both. And frankly, getting out of my messy crap filled house, and living someplace with a dishwasher is nice. Unfortunately, Brian lives about 10 minutes north of town, so the commute will take longer, but for 1-1.5 weeks, I think I can live with that.

I'm not sure how I found these pants, but they look pretty cool. The name is stupid, but the design features they talk about sound like they'd solve some problems I have commonly found; poor fit at the waist, waist and front too large, thighs too small, the general run of issues that come from trying to buy pants which have been sized for an overweight population when you yourself are not. Grab there blog here.

While I'm shilling for products I don't own, Multiwinia. This game is the multiplayer version of the superlative single player game Darwinia. I've downloaded the demo, and I have absolutely no idea why I haven't started playing. Just other things going on, I hope to rectify that this weekend. Darwinia was an amazingly fun and unique game. It's hard to explain, but give the download 20 minutes and you'll understand why I love the series so much, and suspect that Multiwinia is also very good. Leave a comment, let me know what you think.

Worth activating; Gmail Googles. Fairly obvious what this does, and not foolproof, but I know I could have used this a time or two.

Political confession here; I want John McCain to lose. Not that I'm looking forward to the Barakolypse, far from it. But McCain/Palin shouldn't be in the White House. I'll try to write more about this later, but for now, I think it's enough to say that Bob Dole's nomination was a bad idea the first time around, and I'm baffled why we chose to do it again.

Financial update; S&P down 5.5%, NASDAQ down 4.5%. The yen, of all currencies, is the recipient of a flight to safety during a banking crises. Who would have seen that coming? Good news; oil almost at $80, exactly where it was a year ago. I seriously want to find those Goldman Sachs analysts who where saying $200 oil this summer. They deserve round mocking.

Doesn't look like I'll be buying that BMW 2002 mentioned earlier. First, the seller is not interested in a trade, so I'd have to unload my Explorer separately. Second, the car is a 1975 model. That was apparently the year (the dreaded) emissions controls arrived. The result; '75 is the "least desirable" year. The price wasn't fantastic to begin with. So I think I'll hold out for a different one, or a lower price. The 1972 Tii would be idea; fuel injected, no big bumpers or pollution gear. Barring that, the '76 was offered in a 49 state (non-neutered) version w/ engine upgrades from the (then) upcoming 320i.

Actually about to have to do something in class, so this post is ending


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Well, his electric car is a looking a bit vaporish. But at lease Elon's rockets have started working.

For those of you playing the home game; S&P off 32% for the year, NASDAQ off 34%. For the last 10 years, -4.5% for the S&P, -9% for NASDAQ.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Well, it appears that sky has not completely fallen. I was blogging earlier at (apparently) the bottom of the market for the day. We're only down 3.6% on the S&P and the NASDAQ took a 4.3% hit. Those of you on the short side, continue to rejoice.

In honor of the Clarkson/Sebring Bruhahah, here's a little note about one of the funniest part of last season. The final episode of the miniseason (11x6 I believe) included a great segment called "Top Gear v. Zee Germans". Zee Germans in question were the cast of a comparable German auto TV show. That German show, hosted by, among other Sabrina Schmidt ('ring Queen from the Ford Transit episode). If you haven't seen the Top Gear episode the German version won't be as funny.

World War II joke is whole spine that the Top Gear segment is hung off of. Did the Germans mention it, nope. Not once. As an Ole Miss fan, I can appreciate that losing just isn't that funny. Hat tip to Zack Dagneau.

I've been Craigslisting this evening, and I think I've found a car I'd actually plunk down American Dollars for. A 1975 BWM 2002 for $2800, running well, at least according to the seller. It's a classic car, fantastic styling which really defined a great period/style in auto design.

The seller says he needs an automatic for a 15 year old (and a head inspection for having bought that car for a 15 year old to begin with). I wonder if I could trade my Explorer to them (with sweetners, if necessary)? It is automatic, and has enough steel to "protect" junior, assuming that they don't roll it (leaf spring suspension anyone?) in the process.

Emily, if you read this tonight, want to make another stop in Jackson on the way home?

It's just a flesh wound...

Found on Craigslist

"For Sale 1988, 928S Porsche, black, 5 speed, Had a small engine fire. (leaky fuel hose) Car ran and drove great prior to. Will need new clutch cable, hoses, etc... Body in excellent condition, needs new interior. Car to be used for parts or restore. I have to many toys and projects to play with.
home 901-867-0942, cell 901-508-9328"

Isn't that like a small coke problem?

And in this week's cripplefight

I need 6 points out of Adrian Peterson tonight to win this week (currently behind 67-62) . Go Saints, but please let him get a touchdown or two.

Well, at least Oil is down.

At the moment the S&P 500 is down 6.5% and NASDAQ is down 6.7%.

Scary part, those are up from session lows. The really scary part, the S&P was at approximately the same level in 1998. Lost decade anyone?

Silver lining, RBOB Gas is down7.2% at the moment, closing in on $2 per gallon. Additional silver lining, you weren't recently in charge of a now bankrupt investment bank. Although I suppose some of my legions of lurking readers could be failed ibankers. I don't think that's all that likely, but this is the internet, so anything can happen.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It just keeps getting better

I very much enjoy Bond films. Since the latest film, Casino Royale was released the whole series has been reinvigorated from the bloated malaise that was the tail end of the Brosnan era.

So I'm extremely excited about the next film, Quantum of Solace, to be released this November. Yeah, it's got a somewhat silly name, but they've lost how many Astons making it? (Lake, Truck, quarry, although that last was on purpose. Here's a trailer so you can see why I'm so excited;

Which, here's a bit of free advice, don't read jalopnik in a seminar class. You're too close to the professor, they can see you trying hard to stifle laughter. Which doesn't make much sense when he's lecturing on segregation. But I digress. I'm about to digress a bit more, but it will all come together in the end.

I've been thinking I want a watch. I used to wear one all the time, never left home without it. Then my battery in a knockoff Fossil died, I never could figure out how to change it, and there you go, I've been cellphone dependent ever sense. I do have a sports watch, thanks to Emily, which I love. Unfortunately, I've poured so much sweat into it that it reeks in a truly biblical way. But when I have it on, it reminds me why I used to like having a watch on.

So I've been thinking about buying/asking for (birthday coming, 10/24) a new watch. Today, while not paying much attention to a long discussion of now bad constitutional law, I read this blog post. It seems Swatch is offering a collection of "Bond" watches, with a watch based on a villain from each film.

Clicking, I found this particular one. It's a handsome sporty looking watch, reasonably priced ($115, and NO Emily, I don't want you to go out and buy this tomorrow) and based on a villain from the upcoming film, which as I've mentioned, I'm really pumped about. The villain's name? Dominic Greene, I seriously hope he kicks ass, and am even more excited.

Yep, that's a witch doctor

And a VP nominee.

Monday, September 29, 2008

If you've tried to buy a Mazda in South Memphis

You've met the sale badger. Now Wolfchase Honda, no badgers in sight.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Damn you john mccain

So what, you're going to put your keating 5 chops to work while they leave k rails across my streets?
Well, I'm not going to be moving to Jackson Tennessee. And, apparently, I'm not going to be watching Curlin try to break Cigar's all time earnings record.

The only good news I can point to isn't really that great. A while back Emily and I were talking about electric cars. I suggested that a Jeep Wrangler with four electric motors (1 per wheel) would be great, since you could control each wheel individually when off-roading. You might also be able to get the computer to manage traction on the road individually, and hopefully keep them rubber side down more often.

Well it turns out, Jeep's built one. They say they'll be selling in by 2010. I wonder if you'll be able to buy a solar or fuel cell charging system for true off the grid use. Would I buy one, no. But then again I wouldn't buy a normal Wrangler either.

Other than that, things are normal. School, work, animals. Also I'm considering writing parody lyrics for a song to be called, "I wanna be debated."

Monday, September 22, 2008

Running, cycling to gym, and lifting weights in the morning makes you feel great.  Running out of food around 3 PM and having to resist stuffing candy and chips into a growling belly, all the while trying to work, makes you feel cranky.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Talk like  a Pirate day

Thursday, September 18, 2008

2/3 of Americans have too little skin in the healthcare game.  The last 1/3 like me, too much.  Not that it keeps me from getting on a fractious horse 4 days a week.  But still.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There's a paving contractor in Oxford named Lehman Roberts.  I wonder if they've ever thought about changing their name?  A pretty good one may not be in use soon (although they have only gone C11, not C7).

Monday, September 15, 2008

The phone is not going to ring, at least with any calls from the courthouse in Jackson MS. Dow is off 500 points. I'd be having a worse day if I used to work at Lehman Brothers, or Merrill.
Waiting for the phone to ring.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In a contest with George Dale on one side and either a pit bull or a hockey mom, it's not really much of a contest.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Biting insects suck. Biting ants in your boots and pants suck way more

Monday, September 8, 2008

Entourage is a fantastic show. And I've just seen Oakland run a play I'll call the Wild Raider.
Have an interview with a federal judge this Friday. Unfortunately, someone short and cute took our good car, so I either need a ride or a rental to get to it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blogger needs an app to autoload your fantasy team. Not that I'm having a great week, but still.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome to 2006

Oxford has 3G, at least one good thing has come from this never frequently enough damned debate.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Is not in Kansas, and doesn't appear likely to land there today

This mobile text message is brought to you by AT&T

Having tornado issues currently

This mobile text message is brought to you by AT&T

Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm twitting now; njgreene. If anyone cares.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stick Shifted

Emily let me drive her car today. The first trip out was, frustrating. I knew what I needed it to, but getting the hands and feet to all work together at the same time was a different story.

But Emily suggested I drive the car on my own. I was a bit dubious, being very conscious of my own limitations. This afternoon she and assorted family members went out to the barn, and I needed to drive out to their house for dinner with everyone. I had planned on driving the slowly dying explorer, but, what the hell, she said I should give it a try on my own.

Attempting to get onto highway 7 (a controlled access 4 lane state road) I was in too high a gear for my low speed. Downshift to 4th, still no power. Downshift to third.

Yeah, I don't think I could by and automatic anymore. The pure fun of revving that little 4cyl and racing up the onramp, riding it's urgent push of torque was too much fun. For anyone who's driven to E's parent's house, the road is fairly twisty. 4th gear is fun, third, leaving turns, is better. I haven't had that much fun in a car since I first learned to drive.

Sure, I may still roll back when I try to start on hills. I suspect the occasional unplanned stop when attempting to start is still in the cards. But I feel like more of a driver now than I ever have.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wow, didn't plan to being this post with a plug for a judicial blog. But my recently removed from drydock laptop has reminded me why I love Judge Posner. I'm fairly sure he's the only federal judge I'm going to write a special cover letter for. Well, Judge Jolly, but then again, my base letter is going to be written for him. Suffice it to say, Judge Posner rocks.

What I had planned on blogging about was how much I loved E. And no, not the Entourage character, although I am very much looking forward to September 7th at 9 (Cnt). Not an official fan of Medellin yet, but I plan to remedy that soon.

Problems; aging laptop, incomplete clerkship application, scattermind mind, questionable taste, car payment, bourbon (or lack there of), just missed Breeders' Cup fantasy post time at Del Mar for the Rancho Bernardo Handicap.

Not problems, woman I love who, for some reason I can't explain, wants to live with me.

See last problem for reason this post is truncated.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm thinking I need something like this. Strictly to tow a horse trailer, of course. That is, assuming I can't find a Cayenne Turbo somewhere...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"Top of the Rock" (viewing platform @ Rockefeller Center) is vastly superior to the one at the Empire State building. Phone died, so no pictures, but E took some on film. More to come, including hotel shots, Strawberry fields and the Met.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Well, my car didn't sell. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008


I know I don't need a new car.  Well, I actually may, as Emily has just gotten a job out of town leaving me with the Explorer only begining mid August.  But even if I do get a newer car, I should sell the Explorer, probably get around $1k in this market, and buy a used vanilla Civic, or something of that nature.  Maybe even, god forbid, a Korean car.

But I really really want something like one or these;

2005 S4 AVANT QUATTRO,4.2L V8,LOADED, 68k miles, 0-60 in less than 6 seconds, over $50k when new


2005 Volvo V70R, 30k miles, over $40k new

I think eventually we'll end up with one car, once we're back in the same city, and a wagon would give us the flexibility to move dogs and stuff around.  These happen to be performance versions of the their respective platforms, which would actually make them fun to drive.  Nothing would please me more than to pick up an M3 which had gone through it's huge depreciation, but I'm not anywhere near making enough $ to afford one of those, and I'm including higher insurance and tickets in the TCO.

I think I could get myself in enough trouble with a hot wagon, and still be able to do whatever needed doing.  But, alas, not enough dollars, at least not yet.  Plus, there is the matter of the $32k I owe Bank of America to consider.

I really really want a new car.  That Audi has 420hp, plus quattro to put it all on the road.  The Volvo has a supercharged inline 5 with over 300hp, and AWD also. 

I really really want a new car.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Found on the web

Love the original, loved the game, officially excited, waiting for news on an iMAX version.

I'm tied for 206th in the Breeder's Cup Fantasy Challenge. Ginger Punch had an absolutely terrible trip in the Ginger Punch, and still won. That made my decision, I'm heading up to West Memphis on my birthay, the 24th, which is "Ladies Day" at the Breeder's Cup. Between her and Zarkava, it'll be a great race. Of course, if Curlin ends up in the Classic on Saturday, I may have to reconsider. I thought I was going to get to watch the Jim Dandy today from Saratoga, but it looks like ESPN2 "Tennis: Roger Masters" instead. Baffled, yep. Wishing I had TVG or HRTV, most definitely.

Going on vacation next week. Leaving Friday evening; DC, Baltimore, and NYC, not in that order. Watch this space for a few ideas I've been kicking around.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Saturday, 3 PM (cental).  4 Breeders Cup Challenge, "win and you're in" races on ABC...I know exactly where I'll be.  

Monday, July 21, 2008

Currently tied for 131 on the breeders' cup fantasy challenge.  Would be higher, but I missed their arbitrary 10 minutes early post time, and couldn't get Evening Attire this weekend.  He's old, but he can apparently still run.  He's also a gelding, further supporting my theory of betting on geldings when possible.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bet I could get close to 4K...

Maybe it's a good thing I don't have a full time job.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Oil down to $134, I've been saying this was going to happen. Give it another 6 months and we'll be below $115, closing in on $100. Although gas isn't going below $3.50 anytime soon. Diesel, forget about it.

I'm reading e-mails now as part of discovery in a case. It's weirdly compelling to "listen" to the participants in the story talk to each other, as the events unfold between them. Pretty cool, actually.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

No this blog hasn't been abandoned. Work takes a lot more time than school, but it pays a lot better. Shame I'm married and am being forced to spend more than I make. Back to work Monday.

Sign up for The Breeder's Cup Fantasy Challenge. Gotcha Gold just placed in the Salvator Mile, I had him to win. So you're not behind me in the contest.

Here's a tip, Presious Passion in the United Nations, in about 30 minutes.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Yes, it's been a long time since I update this blog.  There' s a longish omnibus post on Jackson coming, hold your breath and hope real hard, it might come sooner.

Just a few observations;

Emily might know me a bit too well, she suggested today in a phone call that I would ask someone to look at their new car's (A4) owners manual.  I hadn't thought of that, but honestly, if I can't figure out from the badges if the damn thing has a DSG gearbox, I suspect I just might.

Box wine, assuming you're drinking the right kind, tastes good.

Being responsible may mean you don't have a lot of debt down the road, but it keeps you from owning really fun cars right now.  And frankly, I want a fun car, bad.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

J-town, or taking a walk on the urban side

So, I'm living in Jackson presently and posting via "borrowed" internet. My apartment is here;

View Larger Map

The neighborhood's pretty cool. Our local grocery store customers say a lot, yuppies, aging hipsters, and the original locals. Unfortunately, the cashiers are slower than Christmas, and I always seem to pick the slowest line. But that's life.

Which is quite convenient, since I work here (approximately 15 minutes door to office door);

View Larger Map

Work's fun, we're doing interesting things for interesting people. I'm never quite sure what's going to land on my desk, but so far I've written quite a few memos, one answer to a complaint, and I'm working on a complaint.

I've run across some funny cases in the course of my research. My favorite has to be a corporate opportunity usurpation case involving a business to make flameproof carpet pads. The name of the business; Fyr Pruf. Just say it allowed, it was the 70s, it worked for them. Or rather, it didn't, but that was because the corporate officers stripped the assets and started a competitor.

Going running in Jackson is nice, better than Oxford even. Not better for me, but I like it more. I really started running outside when I lived in Petersburg, so I have a special place in my heart for a face full of diesel smoke while out for a run. Oxford's too treefilled and prone to ruralness. Plus, it's hilly.

Which leads me to Farrish Street. It's about 3 blocks from our building, and it looks like a war was fought there. Which, I suppose, one was. If you think about it. But it's been cleaned up, mostly, and a few buildings have been torn down. Check out Peaches if you're ever in Jackson. When you roll into a soul food joint, and there's a woman at the counter with a Foxxie Brown afro, you're in the right place. But I'm getting away from my point. I went running down that direction one day last week, early, around 6:15. There was a group of Jacksonians out playing dice. On the sidewalk, sun barely up. That's dedication.

Anyway, I'll bring this general life ramble to a close. Job I enjoy, housing that's convenient to work, picked up a new suit this evening, and I just found what I assume will be a cheap driving range about 10 minutes away. Other than the power company being of the mistaken impression I'm going to pay them a $200 deposit, things are going quite well.

Which is more than I can say for Russia or France in our Diplomacy game.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Need internet at the house

I really don't, actually. It's fun, in a weird sort of way to live in an apartment with no internet or tv. Not so much fun to live in an apartment without much furniture, but it'll work for the time.

I'd blog more, I'm trying to like Jackson, honest, although it's not making it easy. But Emily's toy laptop has too small a screen for her to use it for much, and she's ready to go, even if she won't admit it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Must get internet at house

Planned on spending my 30 minutes before work (while on internet at office) blogging. Instead spent it reading blogs.

Now, must work.

Call Emily tonight, she's defending.

Friday, May 9, 2008

If this law thing doesn't work out♦

I can always join the Ukrainian Army. Or get a job as a Ukrainian adman, which, frankly, would seem to go more to my talents, and be more lucrative. Although perhaps not lead to as many babes. Hat tip to Zack Dagneau.

For those who might recognize the tune, you are correct. It's chorni boomer.

I have a dog named, in a sense (he's black, it's catchy, it happened) after this song. The singer was once described to me as the "second most powerful man in Russia, after Putin."

And as a final bit Russian class, Putin's goodbye present to the west.

Some people have proper respect for history.

Now, I'm off to watch Battlestar.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Google, now with more awesome, less filling

So, it turns out Google has developed the capability to read minds, and the wherewithal to develop features based on them.

Or at least my mind.

I LOVE sharing blog posts, as the people who I've shared them with know. It can sometimes be a bit much, but it's a great way to create a small universe social news site, w/o the fucktards.

But there's been ONE single feature it was lacking, the ability to annotate the posts. So I might find a hilarious post, but you had to scroll a bit. No way to say to friends just scroll down, it's great. Well, now their is. Share with a Note

Instead of buying NOT buying ridiculously behind the times and generally pathetic competitors they actually innovate. Also today, the ability to embed YouTube clips inside Google Doc Presentations. These kids are going to mess around and prove Scott McNealy right.

Now, if they'll only get busy on this;

Or a flying car. That would be cool to. Actually, I think I'd rather having the flying car. Unless, that is, it was an Orgasmatron flying car. Now that's worth concentrating over.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy to be back on the internet

No, we haven't been suffering a Metrocast induced outage, I've been incredibly busy for the last 36 hours getting ready for my labor law final. Things went well, at least I felt good leaving the test, so I guess it was worth it.

I have much to post over the next few days; derby thoughts, an idea for a new restaurant that would be great in Oxford, last desperate pleas for a place to live in Jackson next week.

But for now I'll leave with one small bit of wisdom. Don't EVER order the stuffed Pablono peppers at "Tequila's" here in Oxford. Cause the description sounds like a spicier version of stuffed bell peppers, which was what I wanted. What I got were disgustingly awful little fried things which were filled with the fakest cheese I've ever seen. They were more akin to a Sonic "Jalapeno Popper" than anything else I can think of. It was NOT what I wanted last night. But oh well, Emily gave me a bit of her meal, which was quite good. The mexican place just isn't the same without a pitcher of Dous Eques.

Anyway, watch this space, final test Wednesday (Secured Transactions) at 9:00 AM. I'm getting very very ready to do something else for a while.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Eight Belles

She was a hell of a horse. I'm well into the juleps. so if my typing shows some damage, that's the reason. I had her for $10 to win, by far my biggest bet (I only also had Gayego at $2).

Damn. She placed. And deserved better than the nearly triumphal and she earned it. From now on, I haven't been a horseplayer for long, I'll have a line to automatically support. Damn she was a hell of a horse, gave everything, and just came up short. It's easy to blame the jockey, but here, the race was over, could a more experienced hand have saved her? I don't know, but I'll keep asking, because she was the lady to beat.

One of the people at our party cashed a ticket on Big Brown to win. I don't care. I lost my bets. But the horses I had (and the Evin Willians Green Bourbon I've had) say I made the right decisions. Gayego was my horse before the post draw, earning at least a $2 bet. And Eight Belles should have won, could have won, and was a hell of a horse. Am I being sentimental, yes, am I intoxicated, yes. But any employer who would hold the support of a fine horse against me, doesn't deserve my services. Matt is hosting a Preakness party, and I'm not sure I'll be there. Jackson employment calls and gas is pricey. But we shall see.

Damn. I don't know what to say. I lost, but being drunk, and having bet on horses I really believed in, I'm happy with my choices. I had Circular Que last year. Win or lose now, I made good decisions.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Legal Engineering

No, I don't mean arranging corporations to flow profits around taxes and creditors and send the liabilities to Elbonia, although that sounds like fun.

I've been looking over my notes from the Katrina cases, and it got me thinking. The anti-concurrent cause clause (ACC Clause) in all the insurance policiessays that if you have loses from two causes at the same time (like, oh I don't know, wind and water) then you have no coverage. It's actually worse than that right now, but I suspect the MS Supreme Court is going to take an interlocutory appeal from some of the 5th Cir cases. Current 5ht Cir interpretation seems to say that if it's caused by covered and uncovered causes in sequence it's excluded too. But that's just total nonsense. So, and this is pure speculation, I think the rule will settle around "you get paid for the covered losses which occurred before the losses caused by the excluded causes." To illustrate, if the shingles come off your roof before the storm surge knocks it down, you get their value over your deductible.

And this whole thing got me thinking, what if you designed your structure to fail, not based on any engineering parameters, but legal ones. Say it would take winds 120 mph to push storm surge to your house, so you have the whole thing designed to collapse and disintegrate at 100 mph. All your losses would be covered, since they would be caused by wind. Hell, the storm might do your company a favor if it scoured your lot clean. Obviously this would all be contingent on getting rid of the present 5th Cir interpretation of the ACC clause, which should happen, either by statue or MSSC decision.

You could also avoid this whole nonsense by bundling hurricane and non-hurricane coverages under the same (hopefully mutual) nation homeowners excess carrier. So that the whole fight between wind or water is irrelevant. But that hasn't happened yet. And I doubt it will.

So, provided you're not going to be there, get your structural engineer to design your roof to come off before the flooding gets there.

Monday, April 28, 2008

A friend with an actual job

Yeah, it makes me a bit sad inside when I get messages like this from a great guy and high school friend.
Music Video - Watch a New Music Video that I Helped Produce...
6:56pm Today

Hey everybody, check out this new music video from "Tapes 'N Tapes" It premiered today on MTV2 and you can check it out here: I was the 1st AD on this one...that means I was a part of the producing team :)

Let me know what you think. Hope you all are doing well,

So yeah, I'm still in school, and my friend is an assistant director in Hollywood. Yeah. At least I know a few cool people, even if I'm not one, and probably aren't ever going to be.

Strange pets of Oxford

First in a series

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Morning Update

Because I don't want to go wash dishes, blogging looks like a lot more fun. This is the first post in a while from an actual computer. I think I could get into the mobile blogging thing. Just think lucky readers, now I can expand my stream of (vaguely) interesting postings out into the wider world. Maybe this blog will turn into something other than a stream of links. Not likely, but possible. Tune in next week.

So, to kick off our new locally generated original content, a link! This is one of the most clever ads I've seen in a while, I'm very impressed. Hat tip: Zack Dagneau. Also from the Siberian Lights Blog; Every Russian Bond Girl Ever. And I must say, the last one, Olga Kurylenko, who's Ukrainian of all things, is the hottest.

So Double Decker was last weekend, fun, and all, I suppose. Frankly, I think we have to add "Local Festivals" to the list of thing white people like. Particularly when said festival includes a white person safe (tm) reggae band. Emily had a very good time, so that's good. I had a good run, 9th in my age/sex group, 36th overall, 47:21 overall with a 7:39 per mile pace. According to my watch, at least, I ran a reverse split with my last two miles being the fastest. Since the 5-6 mile includes the large hill by Rowan Oak, I was overall fairly pleased with myself.

W e also checked out the Blue Pan Cafe, where our neighbor Grantly is chef. They're located where Petra recently was, and Oxford Steak Company before that. The whole place has been remodeled into a hipish modish type of place, with seperate dining, bar, and "lounge" areas. The drink/dinner menus look tasty, although it looks a bit pricey for my budget. Don't take that as a knock against the place, I'd easily go there before Boure, but I hadn't been planning on doing either.

Which, speaking of future plans, allows me to awkwardly transition into next weekend. It's Derby Weekend, and as it happens the Greyhound park in West Memphis has simulcast and remote betting. I think you see where I'm going with this. With $3.50 regular I can't make the trip myself, and considering my finals I shouldn't at all, but I really want to go this year. Anyone interested? Emily will be hooded (graduate school, no burning crosses) at 11:00, so if we headed out shortly afterwards we'd have plenty of time. Graduation is next week, dufus. Updates should be forthcoming, but please comment/e-mail if you're interested.

Well, I guess I've stalled enough, better go get started on washing dishes. And you know, for all I hate having to do this, I don't have to mow my lawn, and that almost makes it worth it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

"are you ready to rock?"

I wouldn't have believed w/o hearing it, but the head of Ole Miss Economics dept is bringing the rock tonight at the rib cage. Ashamed to say I don't even know the bands name, but they're awesome.
Been waiting for Alton Brown to sign books. I really really wish I'd bought a copy this afternoon. My trip to the gym has left me very hungry. They just called for #100, we're 119. Soon...

If only we'd put Duke in as Maximum Proconsol in Baghdad...

"What works with genocide? Something bluesy?"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My respect for Mr. Putin, increasing

My favorite line so far, the girls resume; "a former champion of artistic gymnastics and now a Deputy to the Russian Parliament, the Duma."

This ones for you Zack.

It's nice to see professionals at work

"Well, even if it wasn't as explosive as expected, the trial yielded up a few new juicy details. Like the fact that one of Palfrey's escorts was a former professor and university department chair. Or the fact that Palfrey's prostitution service was patronized by several well-pedigreed lawyers (including Yale law grad Christopher Sorrow, who is presumably pretty sorrowful about being involved in this mess). Or the fact that Palfrey employed "testers," like trial witness Paul Huang, to evaluate the suitability of aspiring escorts (think "Consume-Ho Reports")."

Via Above the Law.

Consume-Ho reports, classic.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This is a test of the mobile blogging system.

Do not be alarmed.

I like what they're thinking

A local building project (1100 Jefferson). We can only hope they carry the look forward for the whole project.

BMW monofuel

BMW is showing off a 7 series designed solely to run on hydrogen. The cool part, it burns it in a real engine, just like gasoline, except without the nasty bits.

No word on the cost (although it is a 7 series, so that shouldn't be as huge an issue) but this thing actually might work. It has none of the problems of batteries; recharging, or fuel cells; you might be able to make the engines affordable before the end of time.

As to how you make the hydrogen, utility solar looks like a pretty good, and actually existing, start.

Monday, April 14, 2008

This is just too good

So you're running for President, Pennsylvania is important, at least a little bit. So you decide to diss rural voters.

And you decide to do it at GORDON GETTY'S MANSION. This story just keeps getting better, mock and insult poor white people, the absolutely hardest demographic for you to reach, at a $2300 a plate dinner for rich white people.

In other news;

BoxStar makes some pretty good box wine. I'd stay away from the Cab, but the Shiraz and the (yes, I'm actually saying this) Merlot well worth the (quite low) price of admission.

I've been listening to a lot of Steely Dan lately. Maybe it's because it goes so well with a buzz, but Aja has turned into my favorite record we have. It really is hard to turn the smooth up too high, isn't it?

Emily is telling me right now that Karl Rove is on TV, talking about Obama "bitter people" (which, as I type it, would make a great Randy Newman song) gaff. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear he's wearing a black cape. He is, after all, a certified Evil Genius, and therefore entitled to his badge of office.

Is there proper etiquette for asking people to read your (or in my case, my) new blog? I realize, you'll have already been bald faced asked to read, but I know you'll well enough to do that. What about others? Is a mass mailing bad form? Drop it into conversation at every opportunity? Banner ads on Facebook promising naked ladies (or dudes, depending on the target market)?

Anyway, must blog off, Emily's beef stew smells really good. See her for the recipe.

Weirdly compelling

Cars and People from wvs on Vimeo.

Found on Jalopnik.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New bands

So, I'm looking for some new tunes. Anyone with recommendations, please post in the comments.

Here are a couple of groups I've found so far on my search. While I would never encourage you to pirate anything, I've included .torrent files. These are, of course, strictly for use by those who need to format shift, or some other legal purpose.

Black 47, Elvis Murphy's Green Suede Shoes. It's Irish rock, they've written a song against the Iraq war which is actually good (Downtown Baghdad Blues). Found via NPR Studio 360.

The Waco Brothers. They're lead singer is Welsh, they used to play punk rock, then they got into country. Sounds crazy, but it works. They're new album (which is live, so the fact that I'm recommending it should really tell you something) includes another great song about a subject which is usually a graveyard for writers who aren't Woody Guthrie; unionism. Can't find the newest album online, but here are links to To the Last Dead Cowboy (1995) and Cowboy in Flames (1997). Found via Fresh Air.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

View Larger Map

(01:36:16 PM) prices up or down, you think?
(01:37:04 PM) Zack Dagneau: ?
(01:37:33 PM) for the houses in the "enterprise"
(01:38:13 PM) Zack Dagneau: they're down as a result of the subprime directive

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And now for something completely different

I just bought these plans for building my own Murphy bed (the kind you hang on the wall). There have been so many holes (and cracks) put in our apartment walls over the years I'm not worried about a few more. Plus, this one uses Ikea parts, and claims to only require a drill.

I'm, needless to say, excited. Can't find a good pic, so hit the above link.

M3 Ad

I know, I know, it's an ad.

But it's just such a good ad, and for such a good car. Seriously in terms of price/performance/realworldliness it might be the best new car in the world right now. I mean, not better than the 911 Turbo, but still very very very good.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Mortgage "Crisis" and Efficient Breach

First, the vast vast majority of mortgages are being paid on time. This "crisis" is media created, and for ANY other class of assets, this would be simply entertaining business news. If the price of oil did something like this, well, we'd have complaining from producers, but still.

But I'm more concerned with the people who aren't paying right now. They're supposed to be a rapidly increasing number of people being foreclosed upon. "Jinglemail" is a new term, for people who mail their keys to the bank and take a hike. "Marketplace: Money" is normally a fairly interesting NPR personal finance show. Last weeks show was ONLY about the mortgage mess. Repeatedly, while interviewing people who were about to be foreclosed, or had lost their houses, asked questions like, "how can do this, this is your most important debt, you voluntarily agreed to pay, you promised to pay this money you owe them, etc."

I'm all in favor of people not committing fraud, but ALL a contract is a promise to perform the terms OR pay damages. That's IT. It' s not immoral to breach, it's not wrong to breach, it's a decision you should chose whenever it makes sense.

And consider this, mortgages are contracts of adhesion. All the terms were written by the lenders, within an environment where lender lobbyists have a strong advantage over other parties. So, fundamentally, the banks wrote the rules. If they screwed up, and created a situation where it makes more sense for their customers to walk than to pay, that was their bad. They should take their medicine, and do better next time. Can anyone honestly argue that if the positions were reversed, and the banks stood to significantly benefit from walking out on their contracts that they wouldn't? We know they would, someone would sue them for breach of fiduciary duty to their shareholders if they didn't.

In general, breach isn't wrong. It's not bad. We all stand to benefit, in the sense that the larger economy benefits from the most efficient allocation of capital, when people and institutions practice efficient breach. So, everyone out there who's thinking about walking away from your house, don't take any crap from anyone over it. Take your credit hit and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. You're the efficient one.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yeah, I was right, the half pint bottle of Jack was enough

Emily: "that looks vaguely phallic"
Nicholas: "it's a carrot emily"
Emily: "it looks like those beer bottles, the................"
Nicholas: "bowling pins"
Emily: "yeah, like it's been circumcised."

Yeah, and that came after,

Emily: "Natalie was totally wrong about this movie [Bridget Jones II] she wasn't drunk, or dating a law student"

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Even in these tough economic times

(which I don't happen to believe are all that bad) we can all agree that the right to dance erotically must be protected.

Ha, I got my second mention on a national blog

I'll grant you, it was on the Labor Law Prof Blog, but still, it can't hurt.

Monday, March 31, 2008


"For the first time since WWII, UAW membership has dropped below half a million hardhats," and I'm sitting in Labor Law.

The All Seeing All Dancing Totally Wireless Completely Waterproof Next Gen iPod

No, I have no real information, this is simply what I'd like to see.

I've been thinking about the iPod, and where they can go from here. More memory, sure, and more longer battery life. But how to make really interesting changes? Well, waterproofing would be cool. But how? You say? Well, relatively simply.

The current iPods have their (potentially waterproof) shells pierced in 1 or 2 places.
  1. Clickwheels; not a problem on touchscreen models
  2. Power and sync jack
So you can get rid of the first problem w/ the touchscreen they're already using. But the power and sync? That's harder, except it's not.

Power: Wireless power transmission over short distances and of low amounts isn't hard. It already exists. Just use a small piece of transmission material, you lay your iPod on it, and the juice flows without any wires.

I personally think that mousepads should be made of this stuff, and used to charge wireless mice. Put that together with the next gen of iPods, and Apple could ship some pretty cool mice and pads, which also charge your new iPod...

Sync: gotta have my Firewire/USB, wait, I don't. I have Bluetooth. I WANT Bluetooh in my iPod. I hate dealing with the damn wires to my earbuds. They get pulled out, they get tangled, they get in the way, get rid of them! And I know we can build buds that are wireless. These guys already have. Yes, I know they're $500, but I have no doubt that Steve and the course of time won't significantly and quickly lower the price. And if you don't want to use the Bluetooth standard, I have no doubt that Apple isn't completely capable of developing their own standard, just give us a dongle for our (older or non) Apple systems.

Sooo, you can seal the iPod. Use it in the pool, use it in the rain, keep it in your bag and listen to your wireless headphones.

Think people would pay a bit extra for that? I know I would.

It's been a while...

I know it's been a while, but I've got a couple of great posts (and by that I mean even greater than normal, which is quite hard).

For now, underused phrases;
  1. "That dog don't hunt"
  2. "I don't have a dog in that fight"
  3. "Let's run that rabbit now"
  4. "Needs must when the devil drives." (can be shortened to "needs must")
  5. "Jesus H. Christ" (and no, I have no idea what the H stands for)
This post subject to updates as I think of other things I'd like to add. Check back frequently

Friday, March 28, 2008

Google Reader: Or How I learned to stop worrying and love lost productivity

This thing is amazing. Simply amazing. I think everyone is plugged into RSS feeds by now. Up until recently I was using the Live Bookmark feature of Firefox to track mine. That works ok, but it can take up a bunch of screen real estate, and having those little orange waves taunted me meant I had to turn the bookmark toolbar off to get anything done.

Solution: Google Reader. It's a feedreader, like Feedburner, but it's brilliantly integrated with other Google services. Want to e-mail a story; just click the "E-mail" button and start typing, your Gmail contacts will autofill as suggestions. Read a lot of blogs? Put them into folders based on priority or subject. Want to keep a list of specific kinds of posts you like, like recipes you like? Just create and tag the feeds. Feed just look really cool, or is worth remembering? Star it, just like in Gmail.

But the best part is sharing. I can take any post from any blog I read and "share" it with my friends. Here's a site that Google generated for me to let you'll (non-reader users) see my stuff. It's also available as its own RSS feed.

But if you'll were using reader, it would work even better. You'd be able to share things with me (and other person you chose to share them with) from the blogs you read, just the same as I do with you. I'm hoping soon they'll add the ability to annotate others posts, which would make it damn near perfect in my opinion.

This is another example of a web 2.0 service that is highly dependent on the network effect. I know it's not all that compelling with 4 people actually looking at your stuff, but if this was integrated into facebook... (hint, hint, Google should have bought them when the stock was at $700...) We need one online service to rule them all. Sure, putting all your data with one company is scary, but it's the only way online sharing and identity management are ever going to reach their full potential. Considering that, who do you trust? Microsoft, nope. Apple, nah, the walled garden is nice but I'd rather not be locked in. Google is the only person with any hope of making central online identities work. I profoundly hope they do, I'm sick of having so many different networks to manage (or neglect, as the case may be).

---And now, for something completely different---

Pure Brilliance; all blogs should be required to use the phrase "party liquors" at least once a week.

And while I'm plugging blogs, let me give a shout-out to two of my favorite, Of Dogs and Horses
and A few of My Favorite Things. I know they're in my blogroll, but their authors deserve special mention.

A top hat, for $56. Well worth it, in my opinion. Damn not having a job, I can't buy things like Rolls Royces and top hats. Of course I do have time to blog about them, so it's not all bad. And honestly, when all you're doing is blogging, the maintenance is pretty cheap.

LIVE UPDATE: Emily just triggered the "democratic" rule in conversation. She was insisting that we could enter the 24 Hours of Lemons, simply by buying a junker, buying a Chilton's guide, and taking off for the track. Yeah, whenever someone says "that's all we need, trust me" it's a red flag.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Runner's High

So, zee Germans have confirmed that the "runner's high" exists. When you run a long way, or at least when these distance runners did, they got a flood of endorphins into the brain.

I'm not sure I can vouch for the marathoner cited in the piece, when I got done all I wanted to do was lay down, cry, and make the pain stop. But after good run, when I'm feeling good, I feel a lot better than when I left the house. Up to the point that feeling when I'm in a bad mood and feeling pissed off, the best thing I've found to put me in a good mood is a run.

Really (really really) big yachts

So being superwealthy has it's perks, but so many challenges. For instance, you have to worry about whether the Emir of Dubai has a larger yacht than you do? It looks, for the moment at least, that Eclipse (not an exact image, none are publically available, but a predecesor which is believed to have influenced the design of Eclipse) will take the crown, since Al Dubai isn't technically in private hands.

For my super wealthy readers who aren't interested in such crass displays of length, might I recommend the WallyIsland.

Sure, it's still a bit (or more) tacky, but you'll look like a James Bond villain, and it is ONLY 325'. Positively restrained, as such things go. (Via UnCrate).

My question is this, why not just buy a old warship? I mean, there are tons of old destroyers, some cruisers, and even a few smallish aircraft carriers in the hands of gov'ts who can always use some extra scratch. Or, help with their (poorly regarded) bonds.

New construction is interesting and all, but come on, for this kind of money you could something ridiculously cool. Someone can always build a longer ship (which you're going to have to dock at the container port, anyway) but you could have the FIRST aircraft carrier in private hands. Not that you'd ever want to launch Harriers, but isn't it worth something to know you could?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This looks pretty sweet

It's been a long time since I consumed much Tom Clancy media. He just sold his soul to a French company, which is kind of funny, if you think about it.

So, he's a brand, not an author, but he's rich as hell, and this game looks pretty cool.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Passing Strange

If anyone in headed to NYC anytime soon, this show (see title) looks great. Here's a NYT vid about it;

And a couple of interviews with the creator here and here (it was on this weeks show). Short version, middle class black guy (autobiographical doppelganger for the shows creator Stew) leaves LA and goes to Europe. Lives in Amsterdam and Berlin, sings about it. Songs sound great, although a cast recording isn't out yet. Creator Stew is founder of the rock band "The Negro Problem" (which is an awesome name, in my opinion).

Anyway, the songs (at least what I've heard), have rocked, and it's not another rehash of The Producers, if I was headed up there, it's what I'd want to see.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


This sounds interesting and all, but haven't they tried something like this before?

New (to me) Sports

No, I don't mean things like slamball.

Although that is pretty cool, I listened to a podcast (it's number 34) with the creator a while back, and I have my own ideas, namely using college campuses and sports bars, but that's for another post.

No, I'm talking about traditional sports which I don't know much about, don't currently consume, but would like to. Personally, that list includes boxing, horse racing, F1 and GT auto racing (NOT NASCAR, I'm a fan of turns and shifting gears), and occasionally cricket. I've read the wikipedia posts about them, tried to find blogs/podcasts about them, subscribed to news letters, etc. It's not working. I can't find information which is any way tailored to help new fans enter these sports. I suspect this isn't a problem confined exclusively to these sports. Considering that most media is, rightly, produced by experts (either in reality or their own minds) it's no surprise that it would be over a beginner's head. That's not a problem for sports like football or basketball, which I grew up watching, and know at least a bit about (thanks Mom).

There's nothing wrong with designing and serving media to your fans, unless you want to grow your sport. I genuinely want to know about these sports, they haven't spent a dime to convince me to learn about them, and there's nothing I can find to give me the info I need to go that first step. I'll grant you, horse owners, boxers, and racing teams, don't stand to make any money from me today. But on the interwebs distribution costs virtually nothing, they've got most of the content (it just needs to be repackaged with a bit more explanation), and they'll never have the hope of making any money if they can't get me in the door. Not to mention the fact that if you can't capture the people who are self motivated to become fans, how can you hope to draw in people who aren't even interested at the moment?

Do I have the answer, not at the moment, although if someone would like to pay me 100K plus benefits I'm fairly sure I could figure one out.
Welcome to my new blog, yes the title is law latin, yes, I know that makes me look pretentious. I actually wanted this, Res ipsa loquitur, but it was taken, so...needs must, etc.

My title may actually be overly clever, if you think about the role that blogs are currently playing in keeping some people (pardon the cite, it's on point) from finding gainful employment.

Anyway, hopefully this will turn into a frequently updated multimedia extravaganza where my own brilliance pours forth, as if from a cornucopia, to the thrilling delight of my readers. I suspect it'll be me complaining about things Emily is sick of hearing about. But hey, this is the internet, just turn me off.